TEACH by Dennis Dinoia

TEACH by Dennis Dinoia – A Book On Creating Independently Responsible Learners

I’m always looking for a new read that will help me be a better homeschool mom. There are tons of books out there about homeschooling. Many focus on how to structure your homeschool and methods for teaching your kids. In my 7 years of homeschooling, I’ve not come across a homeschooling book quite like TEACH by Dennis Dinoia. I have a handful of books that I recommend to new homeschooling parents and this book is the newest addition to that list!

TEACH by Dennis Dinoia

I was given a copy of TEACH by Dennis Dinoia for free and compensated for my time in writing this review. However, this book has quickly become one of my favorite homeschooling books and I would have recommended this read without the compensation! Read more here.

This new title by the teacher-turned-curriculum writer actually breaks down how to create a responsible learner. It focuses on teaching your child how to learn, how to approach grades and tests in a new way, and how to develop a love for learning within your child. I honestly feel that had this book been available in my first few years of homeschooling, my entire approach to teaching my kids might have been less stressful and more productive.

About Dennis Dinoia

Our family was first introduced to Dennis Dinoia (or Mr. D) when we took a few online courses with Mr. D Math. We’ve taken plenty of online classes so we weren’t prepared to be wowed like we were. Mr. D’s classes took a new approach to learning. My kids were given the opportunity to use notes on tests, grade their own homework, and encouraged to find and correct their mistakes on their own.

We quickly realized that Mr. D had unlocked something special within our kids. They suddenly had more drive and were taking responsibility for their learning. There was something that was pulling them to want to learn more and work harder at their studies.

The pressure that was experienced with other online classes and with myself teaching quickly faded away. Instead of being graded on their work and compared to others, answers were easily accessible so they could grade their own work and understand where they’d made mistakes. My oldest was actually taking the initiative to study and complete her homework on her own in her Pre-Algebra course. I knew then that there was something different about the way Mr. D taught and approached education.

TEACH by Dennis Dinoia - A book about creating independently responsible learners

How TEACH is Different

There are so many books out there that try to tell you how to teach at your children. This book and the entire approach by Dennis is completely different. TEACH shares small, actionable ways to help your children grow into learners. What exactly does that mean you might ask? It means helping your children relate to what they’re learning in a way that they want to continue to learn.

There were so many real-life examples of how to encourage my kids to relate to their lessons and take ownership of their education. Dennis shares personal stories from not only his childhoold but also his 30 year career in education that helped build the foundation for his approach to learning.

I love that instead of reading about all the things I wasn’t doing in my homeschool, Dennis simply grabbed my hand and helped guide me through small things I can to change how our family approaches learning. I’ve read many homeschooling books where I’ve walked away feeling defeated and like a failure. TEACH was the exact opposite – it made me realize I didn’t need more methods and systems, rather a change in perspective on what the term learning actually means.

Must Read for Homeschoolers - TEACH by Dennis Dinoia

Instead of giving me information on learning styles and educational theory, this book allowed me to walk away with an entirely new outlook on teaching and learning. I’ve always focused on providing my kids with delight-direct learning opportunities and this book has helped greatly expand on that idea for me.

One of the things that I think is missing in the education world is the opportunity for people to be able to think.

-Dennis Dinoia

Add TEACH to Your Homeschool Library

I encourage you to grab a copy of TEACH by Dennis Dinoia for yourself – whether you’re a homeschool parent, public school parent, or just someone who is interested in education. This book gives such a fresh, interesting perspective on learning that can be applied both at home and in the classroom.

TEACH is available on Amazon as a paperback or in Kindle format. It’s a quick read at 136 pages, which I love because I have trouble finding the time for the longer reads.

It’s also one of those books that you’ll want to highlight, mark up and come back to over and over again. There were so many small snippets and “aha” moments that I kept re-reading. For this reason, I suggest grabbing the paperback copy so you can have it on hand and make it your own!

TEACH by Dennis Dinoia
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Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

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