Allschool online classes
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Engaging Small Group and Individual Live Homeschool Classes with Allschool

We’ve found a fun new way to keep homeschooling exciting – Allschool! We are always looking for unique, interest-based classes and activities for our girls. One of the reasons we decided to homeschool was the freedom of curriculum and the ability to pursue delight-direct learning. I try to make one of our homeschooling goals every year to get out of our comfort zone and take on new and interesting topics. This is extremely easy and fun to do with a platform like Allschool. Allschool offers small group and individual online classes for kids and teens.

allschool classes review

We were given an opportunity to take some of the classes on Allschool for a test drive and want to share more on the platform as well as our thoughts. If you’re a homeschooler or just a parent looking for a fun, unique way to get your kids learning, keep reading!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are ‘affiliate links’. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.
We received access to classes on Allschool in exchange for our honest review of the platform. We were not required to give a positive review. All opinions are our own.

What is Allschool?

Allschool offers small group, live classes for kids ages 3-18. The online platform allows students to take classes on schedules that are convenient and flexible. Just a computer, tablet, or another device with a camera is needed for most classes.

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Classes are short, usually 30 minutes long, so it’s easy for kids to stay focused and engaged. I love that the classes can easily be scheduled around our current homeschooling and activities.

The range of topics available on Allschool spans from animals across the world to painting and everything in between. There are academic courses, tutoring, and social groups for kids. We love browsing through the available classes – we are constantly finding something new and exciting.

The Features of Allschool

Learning from Subject Experts and Enthusiasts

While I enjoy teaching the girls, sometimes it’s more fun to sit back and let someone else do the teaching. This is especially important when the girls decide on a topic like dinosaurs or ballet. Those areas of study are interesting, but I’m definitely not as passionate or knowledgeable as the Allschool teachers in those subjects.

Since you are choosing classes offered by hundreds of instructors and teachers, you’re sure to find some of the most engaging and exciting classes. This allows you to add a fun variety to your homeschool schedule (Amelia was tickled to find there was a class on how to teach your cat to walk on a leash!)

Allschool Online Classes

Using Allschool to Supplement

One great benefit of using a platform like Allschool is the ability to supplement your current homeschool curriculum. You can easily choose classes to complement what you’re studying. We were able to enroll Gwen in a zookeeping course that lined up with her current science lessons!

Allschool Online Classes

Give Yourself a Break

If you’re like me, then you feel like you have to do it all. You have to complete all the lessons, read all the books, and fill each school day with lots of activities and learning. Sometimes, though, you need a break! This is where Allschool comes in.

Use Allschool to all yourself some planning time, cover an empty spot in your schedule, or just give yourself a much deserved break. Online classes will give your kids some variety in their education, especially if you do a lot of bookwork or reading.

Interact with Other Kids

This might be both of my girls’ favorite parts of online classes – socialization. Online classes through Allschool are a great way for your homeschooler to meet other students in their age group who share similar interests. We love that many times, the students in our classes are from other parts of the world and bring unique perspectives to the class.

Our Thoughts on Allschool

Overall we think Allschool is a great option for online classes for both homeschoolers and public schoolers. There are lots of unique classes to choose from. It was easy for the girls to log in and take their classes with very little assistance from me.

The teachers were very knowledgeable about their topics and really made sure to include slides and videos that kept the girls engaged.

I also thought the classes were priced reasonably. We could easily budget for the girls to take a class every 1-2 weeks.

I’m looking forward to the class options expanding and even more advanced classes being added.

If you’re thinking of trying out an online class platform or just need to add some variety to your homeschooling, give Allschool a try! There are thousands of unique classes available so you’re sure to find something that you and your kids will love!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

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